Sunday, June 14, 2015

Lesson 2 - Vocabulary


Vocabulary makes up the crux of every language, so we need to really work on this. Try repeat the below words in some sentences using pronouns and other words learnt in this lesson...

Try to say them out loud, as that enhances memory, and also if you can try to write them down on a separate peace of paper. Use that paper to keep glancing at the words as that improves long term memory. Just one minute quick glances whenever you are free, that will even improve your spellings of Farsi words.

For pronunciation, if you are still having trouble figuring out when there is a fatha, kasra, dhumma or sakin, ask someone who knows Farsi to guide you, because without proper pronunciation, you cannot speak understandably.

You may find some words in my vocabulary list strange, but that's part of helping improve your memorization, mix the words up to spice things up a bit...

Ok, due to popular demand, I'll add a link to an audio or video clip later on to help with pronunciation as well.

For now lets move onto the examples and exercises of this lesson.

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